Mystic Mother – Finding your Inner Mystic 

| Part 1 - 4 Week Online Mentoring Program

This 4-week journey is the beginning of a magical journey mentoring with the universal mother of creation in all her aspects, assisting you to connect and draw out your creative genius through your connection with your heart’s desires and creation herself.

  • Week 1 – What is the inner mystic and how to connect with    the Mystic within
  • Week 2 – Opening to channel, Creating your sacred space
  • Week 3 – Surrendering to the way of the feminine heart
  • Week 4 – Navigating the unknown path

Discover your heart's desires and unlock your creative genius.

In these live Classes delivered on zoom, you will receive Sacred channeled teachings specific to the soul groups needs at that time including weekly group healing, mediation, and activations in each class. You also have the opportunity to add private mentoring via email or private live sessions to your program to assist you with any private issues you may be finding challenging to move through.

To find out more and book your free 15min phone consult please email [email protected]

The Pathway to Enlightenment Retreat

Walking the path to living Love
includes Lionsgate Whale Tour

AUGUST 5th to 8th, 2019 (4 DAYS)
(Registrations Closing Soon 2 spots left)

OCTOBER 11th,12th and 13th, 2019 (3 DAYS)

OCTOBER 25th to 27th, 2019 (3 DAYS)

The Vastness of your mutidimential self is infinite … along with your natural gifting.

Together with the Sacred Mothers we will be sharing ancient teachings through the mystery schools for the opening to a deeper level of love, connection and embodiment of your sacred self.

In this retreat you will

?Open and explore the vastness of your heart and soul.
?Unlock your creative potential and uncover parts of yourself intuitively you have known are there all along.
?Reawaken to your love for Self/Oneness
You have been born with a divine blueprint for your life and a divine life path that is calling to be reawakened, embraced and lived.

It is time now to strengthen your connection to your soul and the spiritual family/linage guiding you back to oneness.

This journey of connection becomes strengthen through the embodiment of the Feminine and Masculine Christ Consciousness you are.

In this retreat you will receive

Activations and initiations awakening you to parts of your gifting waiting to be lived.

These teachings you will not have heard before as they are through the awakening and initiations the mothers have directly guided me through to embodiment, I will be channelling them through this connection of oneness.

You will be introduced to these Ascended Masters that are working with you and strengthen your connection through a direct connection with them as your mentors.

Gain a confidence in your channel through deciphering what is from the higher consciousness and what is from the ego conditioned mind.

It really doesn’t matter what your call to service is on the planet it is your own spiritual evolution that creates the transformation in yourself and therefore others.

If you are wanting peace on earth and to share your message, the embodiment of the learnings is what allows the power of light to illuminate what is there for your healing as well as the healing of others.

You are the microcosm in the macrocosm 

This is a personal journey between you and your God/universal self.

Coming back to oneness and assisting others on the path starts with YOU
In this retreat  you will receive

‣ Channelled teachings from the masters and how to connect with the Mothers and other ascended masters and guides working with you.

 Initiations from the Mothers

‣ Activation of your DNA that is ready to awaken

‣ tools on how to navigate through the shadows or dark times that will come up to be transformed and bought back into love.

‣ learn to channel and how to raise your vibration

‣ Using sound and tone to clear energy within yourself and others.

‣ begin to heal the split of the Masculine and Feminine self with in

‣ strengthen your connection to your soul blueprint and learn to open and channel your natural gifting

‣ Lions Gate 8:8 Spiritual Tour with the beautiful Humpback whales who hold the memory of the Akashic Records within their very DNA. (Broome Retreat Only)

We will be doing meditation and sound healing with the whales on a stunning sunset cruise to finish of the retreat.

Takeaways from this time shared

A deeper understanding about yourself as a multi dimensional being of light and the power you literally have to transform your life and live the life of your dreams and more.

Tools to build on your spiritual connection and journey with the guides working with you.

How to set your space with alters that anchor the higher vibrational energy into your home and workspace.

A guide to living your life purpose

Tools and techniques to deepen the feeling of peace within your body

Meditation on the soul

How to receive your own answers to questions within the unknown and not yet lived on the planet.

If reading this is calling your heart please contact me for registration via email [email protected] or phone 0419908776

There will be a registration process and a criteria to meet for this retreat.

10AM TO 4.00 PM 
August 8th Finishing with the Lions Gate Whale Tour at 6.30pm

$1100 this is all inclusive of the whale tour and GST ( Payment Plans and credit Cards available )
Not inclusive of airfare or accommodation

Deposit $330

Beirut, Lebanon
Pricing and times to be confirmed

Pricing and times to be confirmed
Message me on FacebookEmail me to find out more

Whispering Womb Weekend Workshops

MAY 4th & 5th NEW MOON  /  OCT 26th & 27th NEW MOON

Dive deep into the transformative energy of the womb and open doorways into higher states of consciousness.  Grounding into your womb space brings peace and the nurturing of nature to support you on your journey into love. Nourish your soul and surrender your body into deep rest.

What you will explore and receive:
  • Returning to love of the self 
  • Ways to self -care
  • Open to your creativity
  • Love your body
  • 2 xs sound healing journeys 
  • 2 xs meditations 
  • Hidden gifts waiting to be uncovered and created.
  • The Alchemy of creation
  • Creative Journaling time 
  • Channelled teachings
  • Channelled Writing 
  • Reclaim your sacred power of your voice
Venue: Held in the beautiful South-West of Western Australia
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JUNE 2020 - (5 DAYS, 4 NIGHTS) - BALI, Indonesia

Take time to come back to yourself, listen and feel deeper into the song your heart and soul. Relax, Reflect, Retreat, Rejuvenate Taking time out for you to re connect to the song in your heart is so important to living a healthy, balanced life, living on purpose.

In this retreat you will dive deeper into love for yourself and heal the aspects within yourself wanting to he heard, lived and celebrated now. Its time to make you the priority.
Message me on Facebook

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Crystal Bowls

Awaken your spirit and experience the Crystal Singing Bowls, sounds and wisdom for healing.
Find Your Soul Bowl

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